– sudden nipple retraction
– thickening in the breast
– nipple discharge
– itchy nipple
– lump
– change in size,
shape & appearance
– soreness, redness
or any breast
skin changes
– breast swelling
or dimpling
Place a pillow under your right shoulder. Put your right hand under your head. Check your entire right breast area with the pads of your left hand. Use small circles and follow an up and down pattern. Use light, medium and firm pressure over each area of your breast. Repeat these steps on your left breast.
Check for any changes in the shape and contours of your breast. Note any skin or nipple changes such as dimpling or nipple discharge. Inspect your breast in four steps:
1. arms at side
2. arms overhead
3. hands on hips pressing firmly to flex chest muscles
4. bending forward
Raise your right arm. with soapy hands and fingers flat, check your right breast. Use the method described in the “Lying Down” step. Repeat on your left breast.